This is why it’s great that companies have either voluntarily or otherwise brought the human being to the center of their actions. This human being at the center has without exception been the customer, even though the employee is a human being as well.
However, it is without exception the latter, your employee, who determines this customer experience. Only an employee who is passionate about working for you can deliver these unique customer experiences that create loyalty. A passionate employee experience is only created by bringing the human being to the center of management and organization.
Hessket and Sasser do a good job of summarizing this idea in their Service Profit Chain model (see Putting the Service Profit Chain to Work):
Customer insight can be defined in many ways. One simple definition of customer insight is the following:
The deep “truth” about the customer is based on their behavior, experiences, beliefs, needs, or wants that are significant to each task or issue and evoke emotional experiences in the target group.
I think that the description above can also be applied to employee insight. I propose that we start talking about employee insight, as it is a prerequisite for managing the employee experience (eX), which will in turn always define your customer experience (cX).
What these have in common is that the human being experiences, the human being matters, and the human being decides.